The game as the first engine - Blue Dragonfly

The game as the first engine - Blue Dragonfly

Dragonfly Blue was created by us, Kerstin and Rodrigo, mother and father of two little children who inspire us every day. With the arrival of the first of our children, we realized how difficult it was to find play material that made sense to us and we were faced with a reality that we consider very unfortunate, the reality of play material that predominates in our country. Not only because of its poor quality, but also because of what we observe that the material often promotes: violence, stereotypes, everything resolved, absence of freedom to create. However , we knew of the existence of other paradigms in the game and in the material that supports it, more aligned with our vision and with the knowledge we have today about the relevance of the game in us humans and particularly in girls and boys. . But it was not enough that our children could have that option, because the world does not change with one exception. We set out to help change this reality by promoting free play with unstructured material. Far beyond a particular toy, we want to spread a vision of play to change childhood, to change the way we relate and the way we learn.

With Libélula Azul we set out to have a toy store that would become the benchmark for free exploration material and we specialized in this concept . Our main motivation is to be able to offer a valuable alternative to girls and boys and their families. Because we believe that play is the first driving force and from there also emerges the type of society we form .

Free or spontaneous play is an intrinsic activity of the human being , as old as the human being himself, through which skills, values ​​and knowledge are acquired . It is not limited to any age, but accompanies us from the moment we are born and throughout our lives.

Through free play, girls and boys assimilate everything that surrounds them, express their experiences and emotions, create, imitate, experiment and learn in a unique way. The game is a tool to understand the world. For all this, the game must be free and without interference, neither from the adult nor from the material with which they decide to play.

The game is used by babies and children to understand the world . Through this, like experienced scientists, the laws of nature are tested and also the functioning of social behavior with peers and adults. Through play, girls and boys obtain important conclusions, validating or refuting deep hypotheses about how things work, without taking anything for granted beforehand. After all, it is the little ones who are most free from biases and prejudices and this is why free play allows them to know the world as it is, deriving their own understanding. Today we know that there are things that can only be learned through play.

The game material becomes vitally important in its execution and its characteristics can determine whether or not it develops freely and spontaneously. Thus, when the game material is unstructured, that is, when it does not pose an intentionality about the direction of the game, it allows free exploration. This can occur at the level of things and emotions. Thus, a wooden airplane with turbine sounds and all the details that define its use is not the same as a piece of trunk without a defined shape, just as a smiling doll is not the same as a faceless figure. In one case the game has a certain direction and in the other, the boy or girl is left free to decide.

The game can be played in a group or alone, with or without the presence of adults, but non-intervention is essential. When play is forced, directed or regulated, it stops being play for the child, which limits learning. All senses usually participate in free play, unlike learning through media such as television or the use of learning texts that are limited to two senses in general. Smell, touch and taste are also powerful ways of learning. Free play can be indoors or outdoors, but it is important to recognize that outdoor play, outdoors and in contact with nature, develops skills for moving in the world. Various authors have highlighted the role of play in children's development:

“The game is a valuable stimulus, through which the individual becomes more skillful, perceptive, light, dexterous, strong and, above all, cheerful.”

Lacayo and Coello (1992)

“The game is a pure activity, where there is no interest; simply playing is spontaneous.”

Diaz (1993)

“Play provides the child with freedom, fosters interpersonal skills and helps him find a place in the social world.”

Flinchum (1988)

“Play is not a luxury, but a necessity for every developing child.”

Brower (1988)

“Play is, perhaps, the best foundation for a healthy and fulfilling adulthood.”

Hetzer (1992)

There is a lot of literature about the game. One of the fundamental authors is Piaget (1951), who indicates that play is a form of assimilation. From childhood and through the stage of concrete operational thinking, the child uses play to adapt the facts of reality to schemes that he already has and that are easier to understand.


Today, there is no doubt about the relevance of play and in particular free and spontaneous play. With this touch of information, we invite you to investigate the topic, but fundamentally to “let it play.”